Today, Thursday March 20th, 2020, is day seven of quarantine. I just finished my big history paper, so I kicked back my feet and put on my earbuds. The music I listen to is a variety of genres, from rap to rock to pop and country. I don’t like the songs I do because of their meaningfulness, or their word craft, they’re just pleasant sounding and I like the beat. Some songs mean more to me than others do, for example, whenever I hear a Kendrick Lamar song, I remember the first rap concert I ever went to and how happy and stress free I was of an eighth grader. Yet, there isn’t a song I have listened to and it really makes me think, or I really connect with what the artist is trying to say, until I listened to “Dancing in the Dark”, by Bruce Springsteen. The funny thing is is I’ve listened to this song hundreds of times before, yet today when I heard it I kept on replaying it, to take into detail the words Bruce is saying, and that impacted me in a way I didn’t think music could. Certain lines and words in the song just resonated with me like: “I check my look in the mirror, I Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face” or “I ain't nothin' but tired, Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself”. Maybe this meant so much to me because in this crisis, I have sat around and self-reflected, but more likely I have had these exact feelings before. I have felt similarly to Springsteen, and had an undying feeling that you need to change something about yourself, and that is why this song is now so special to me. Yes, it may be true that someone else wrote this song for him, or he never has had these feelings and they just sound good with the beat, but the fact that a superstar like Springsteen could have these feelings, that I’m not the only one thinking this way, just made me a little happier and my day a little brighter.
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